Feedback: We Want to Know What You Think

Personality Science (PS) is a newly founded journal that seeks to be nimble and experimental in its approach to adopting (novel) best practices and publication formats. This means that we will continuously roll out new features and evaluate them. Additionally, PS seeks to be more community-driven and implement practices, processes, and features that would benefit our readers, authors, reviewers, and editors. Because we constantly strive to improve the journal for everyone involved, we are very much interested in your feedback (i.e., perspectives, opinions, preferences, ideas, visions, hopes, concerns, issues, and questions). Thus, several system-generated PS emails will contain links to short surveys asking for your feedback and we will also be available via email and online social media.

Whenever you wish or deem it necessary, you can provide us with feedback.
We are always happy to hear from you and thank you for your feedback!

General feedback form: Click here

Questions and inquiries can be directed to: editors[at]

Twitter: @PersSciJrnl

We will change the content of our feedback forms from time to time to stay current with our practices and processes. Additionally, all feedback will be handled anonymously (i.e., we do not even ask for identifying information, though you could identify yourself in open-ended responses if you wished for that). While single responses will not be made public, aggregate findings (e.g., average satisfaction ratings; content codings of open-ended responses) may be openly available as part of annual jounal reports (e.g., here).