Statistics and Reports

Below, we feature a collection of different statistics and reports relating to Personality Science (PS) that we will continually update. This page thus represents a "work in progress". Annual reports will also be uploaded here.

Associate Editors

AE Geography

Geographical representations (locations of primary affiliation) of 12 Associate Editors (as of Nov. 1, 2020) are given in the map above.
Editorial Board

The statistics below pertain to the scholars listed on the Editorial Board of the journal. As of November 2020, there are 68 members.

Category ns %
Women 31 45.6
Men 37 54.4
Category ns %
(Personality) Psychology 60 88.2
Other and Non-Psychology 8 11.8
Category ns %
Australia 3 4.4
Austria 2 2.9
Belgium 1 1.5
Canada 2 2.9
China 1 1.5
Croatia 1 1.5
Estonia 1 1.5
Finland 1 1.5
Germany 8 11.8
Greece 2 2.9
Italy 1 1.5
Luxembourg 1 1.5
Norway 1 1.5
Poland 3 4.4
Romania 1 1.5
South Korea 1 1.5
Sweden 1 1.5
The Netherlands 1 1.5
UK 4 5.9
USA 32 47.1